Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Write Away Friday: Is it Wisdom?

1. What tasks have you completed recently? 
Recently I have gotten all four of my wisdom teeth out. That's also kinda why this blog is so late. I was being rather selfish. I thought " I need to have a lot of fun while I am feeling up to it and I can worry about school stuff later cause I don't want to waste the two days I have before I can't eat or do what I want." So on Friday I learned how to do a dance they fiddle to at a contra dance. On Saturday I did a lot with my family and then I went to a baptism. And on Sunday I went to a church activity in Roswell called  a fireside where I heard Alex Boye speak. He is a famous LDS singer. He talked about his life and it was really inspiring what he has learned from it. I will post a youtube video he is in at the bottom. Monday I got my Wisdom Teeth out. I pretty much just watched a Korean Drama for the past three days including today. It was 20 hour long episodes. I finally feel good enough to start doing stuff. I mostly just laid around, slept , and ate mushy things for the past few days. It was nice if my jaw didn't hurt it would have been better though. For school stuff I have almost finished the coloring packets and I have a few things to do. But I think this is the first time I just forgot everything and took a few personal days since summer vacation and  let me tell you it feels good. We all need to take a few days to unwind sometimes. It's not good for our heath otherwise. Its too stressful.
2. What have you learned recently? 
Recently I learned from my dentist that laughing gas is Nitrous Oxide which is N2O. Also I discovered through experience that the lower jaw has a different set up of nerves because when they put the anesthetic in it started to feel numb everywhere even in my tongue, chin, and lips when they the top was a lot different and didn't effect so much. It mostly just effected that one area they got. Which I think is why the top hurt a lot more than the bottom. And also I had forgotten how swelling works. (And let me tell you it does). But I was sitting there going why can't I really open my mouth and my brother reminded me about how swelling works and then I remembered and now it makes sense. All I need to do now is remember to swish with mouth wash and salt water to make sure it doesn't get infected. Also I have been thinking a lot about a question that I see people ask a lot that I sorta went through but not to a big extreme. Often times when bad things happen to them people doubt what they know and ask, "If god is real why is this happening to me?" Well I like to think that god is like a parent to us. That's why I call him Heavenly Father. Anyways this is very similar to getting my wisdom teeth out. I knew sorta why they had to come out. Obviously it was because I didn't have room but while I was going through it I was really scared and I couldn't understand but I knew at the same time. I know my parents love me but I didn't quite believe they really had to come out or that they''d make me go through this. But sometimes in our lives bad things happen and they hurt and they require healing but sometimes it has to happen to avoid problems in the future that we can't exactly foresee that He can. And I am sure when I came out of the dentists office crying my mom probably thought for just a moment " why do I have to see my daughter suffer?" But that pain I went through had to come. It was unavoidable. But It was considerably lessened from what it would have been. And that isn't always the case but most times we don't see how painful things can actually be blessings that it wasn't worse. I don't know if this makes sense but I feel stronger and I am in a way grateful that I had this experience. I probably sound crazy but I feel stronger and maybe even a bit braver for what I am able to endure or sacrifice for better things in my life.
3. What are you planning on doing next?
Next I am going to finish coloring, drawing notes, doing the glog, and signing up for things to prepare for my future. I am ready to get back to normal. Or maybe I will rest some more. We will have to see:)

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