Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Write Away Friday: Is it Wisdom?

1. What tasks have you completed recently? 
Recently I have gotten all four of my wisdom teeth out. That's also kinda why this blog is so late. I was being rather selfish. I thought " I need to have a lot of fun while I am feeling up to it and I can worry about school stuff later cause I don't want to waste the two days I have before I can't eat or do what I want." So on Friday I learned how to do a dance they fiddle to at a contra dance. On Saturday I did a lot with my family and then I went to a baptism. And on Sunday I went to a church activity in Roswell called  a fireside where I heard Alex Boye speak. He is a famous LDS singer. He talked about his life and it was really inspiring what he has learned from it. I will post a youtube video he is in at the bottom. Monday I got my Wisdom Teeth out. I pretty much just watched a Korean Drama for the past three days including today. It was 20 hour long episodes. I finally feel good enough to start doing stuff. I mostly just laid around, slept , and ate mushy things for the past few days. It was nice if my jaw didn't hurt it would have been better though. For school stuff I have almost finished the coloring packets and I have a few things to do. But I think this is the first time I just forgot everything and took a few personal days since summer vacation and  let me tell you it feels good. We all need to take a few days to unwind sometimes. It's not good for our heath otherwise. Its too stressful.
2. What have you learned recently? 
Recently I learned from my dentist that laughing gas is Nitrous Oxide which is N2O. Also I discovered through experience that the lower jaw has a different set up of nerves because when they put the anesthetic in it started to feel numb everywhere even in my tongue, chin, and lips when they the top was a lot different and didn't effect so much. It mostly just effected that one area they got. Which I think is why the top hurt a lot more than the bottom. And also I had forgotten how swelling works. (And let me tell you it does). But I was sitting there going why can't I really open my mouth and my brother reminded me about how swelling works and then I remembered and now it makes sense. All I need to do now is remember to swish with mouth wash and salt water to make sure it doesn't get infected. Also I have been thinking a lot about a question that I see people ask a lot that I sorta went through but not to a big extreme. Often times when bad things happen to them people doubt what they know and ask, "If god is real why is this happening to me?" Well I like to think that god is like a parent to us. That's why I call him Heavenly Father. Anyways this is very similar to getting my wisdom teeth out. I knew sorta why they had to come out. Obviously it was because I didn't have room but while I was going through it I was really scared and I couldn't understand but I knew at the same time. I know my parents love me but I didn't quite believe they really had to come out or that they''d make me go through this. But sometimes in our lives bad things happen and they hurt and they require healing but sometimes it has to happen to avoid problems in the future that we can't exactly foresee that He can. And I am sure when I came out of the dentists office crying my mom probably thought for just a moment " why do I have to see my daughter suffer?" But that pain I went through had to come. It was unavoidable. But It was considerably lessened from what it would have been. And that isn't always the case but most times we don't see how painful things can actually be blessings that it wasn't worse. I don't know if this makes sense but I feel stronger and I am in a way grateful that I had this experience. I probably sound crazy but I feel stronger and maybe even a bit braver for what I am able to endure or sacrifice for better things in my life.
3. What are you planning on doing next?
Next I am going to finish coloring, drawing notes, doing the glog, and signing up for things to prepare for my future. I am ready to get back to normal. Or maybe I will rest some more. We will have to see:)

Monday, March 10, 2014


Stress!!!! I am probably wrong when I say this, but I feel like there is no one more acquainted with it than I. Personally I have found myself crying uncontrollably at  the littlest things because my emotions were so sensitive due to stress. I have had nights where I couldn't sleep because I was stressed. One night at three in the morning I was in my family room crying and watching a movie, drinking herbal tea, and just trying to let my mind relax so I could go to sleep and not be tired all day at school. Just this past week during the play I found myself unable to eat because I was nervous and stressed for the performance. I felt nauseous and I thought I was going to throw up on stage. My fight with stress comes and goes but I have felt that if bad enough can even cause me to get sick. As a whole stress is not a bad thing. Short-term stress is normal and once the threat is gone the body returns to normal conditions. However in today's society I think that stress is not a good excuse to not getting things done. We as a society are so concerned with deadlines and understanding things to a certain standard that we do stupid things to our health to get our homework done or just accomplish certain things. I am stressed out all the time but if I were to tell my teachers that I didn't do it because I needed to go to bed on time so I could be less stressed or I was late to school because I didn't want to fall asleep behind the wheel because at night I just can't relax  they would laugh at me because it is only when something bad happens that it becomes an o.k. excuse. So that leads me to the story of my life: Long term stress. The article about stress at the bottom says "For those constantly dealing with excessive and chronic stress, the body’s fight-or-flight response is constantly on. In turn, the resulting stress hormones released are chronically high." Cortisol  helps the body handle stress. In long term stress this lingers to help return the body to normal but it also increases appetite. However in our society the things that cause us stress don't usually burn calories so this response can cause us to gain weight. The article continues, "Another physiological reason that was found recently for why stress leads to obesity is a molecule that the body releases when stressed called NPY (neuropeptide Y). NPY appears to unlock certain receptors in fat cells, causing them to grow in both size and number." Long term stress can cause weight gain which can cause stress and continue. Long Term stress is a vicious cycle that can start the effects can lead to more stress. Long Term stress is unhealthy to normal body functions because it leaves the body in a state of fight or flight for a long time and can set normal functions out of wack. When I took the Stress inventory I had a total of 490 points. I could only cope to a total of 35 points. This is unhealthy. My body feels like I just go and go and it doesn't have time to relax or recope. This week ( I am not starting out to a good start) I will try to get more sleep. I will try to also go to my dance class again since the play is done. I think if I can manage to do that my stress will go down. For now I feel like I am piled under a mountain of stress and lists of things to do. But I haven't cried and hyperventilated like I did first semester so I think I have learned to cope a little bit more this year.  The video on this page was interesting and I really liked it. It looked so relaxing to me. I am now looking eager to try out relaxing. I also thought I would go to yoga this week too because I have missed the last two!!! So that's all for now and I hope you enjoy!!!
So some time has passed and so I thought I would update you about my goals to go to my dance class and to get more sleep. I can tell you that I don't feel so stressed and I have somewhat accomplished both. I have gone to my dance class every week since this post, but I haven't reached my goal for sleeping more the way I wanted to.  I wanted to go to sleep at 9:30 and I don't think I have ever done that once, but when I wrote this I was going to bed at 12 or 1 in the morning. I have been able to go to sleep at 10 or 11 so that is a ton better and with spring break I have been able to sleep in and rest. It is definitely helping and I feel a lot happier and peaceful.

Literacy Glog: The Poisoner's Handbook Update

Well I am not doing so well with reading this book. I will definitely have to pick up the pace!!!!!! But so far I like the book, however it is so sad to hear the motives people have for killing others. This one guy killed his employer for money using chloroform. Sadly he couldn't even be convicted because the discussion the medical professionals had over the cause of death was too uncertain that it couldn't be presented in court. I find it strange also that the medical field was using it as a drug when it is actually a poison. And it was also interesting how the compound showed up on people sometimes as red marks around their mouth. I am eager to get into the book. I just have to find the time!!!!

Write Away Friday: Beauty and the Beast

1. What tasks have you completed recently?  

This past weekend my life  was totally and 100% consumed with Beauty and the Beast. It was the funnest thing ever and now I really miss it. I was Mrs. Potts. There were 5 performances. Somehow I was able to fit in time to finish an essay and my wiki by Friday. However I never even got to homework this weekend at all. There was literally  no time to do it. I had the earliest call time because I took the longest for makeup, hair and costume. I had to be there anywhere between 2 and 3 hours before each two hour play. It was so stressful but I did it and now it is over;) and :(.  Those faces are me being both so joyful and also very sad.  Also I almost forgot. This week a few people from the cast got to go on the  radio. I actually got to sing Beauty and the Beast as a solo on Magic 105. Now I can say I sung on the radio!!!

2. What have you learned recently? 

Recently I learned  about the eyewhile making the video for the wiki. I learned a lot about how the eye works based on just thier form and function. It is now way easier to understand blind spots, what the retina looks like, and also how the glands work. It was funny because everyday I woke up with a little bit ofmake-up in my medial canthuses from the play even though I cleaned my face real good and I had to think " Thanks Lacrimal Gland for cleaning that out!" Anatomy Problems am I right?!?!

3. What are you planning on doing  

Well I am now very far behind because of how much time the play took this past week and the week before that everyday. I really need to get caught up in all my classes but really my Ap U.S history class because I have so much to do and so many questions to answer before the end of the nine weeks!!!!! Oh man I will be busy.