Monday, April 21, 2014

Fetal Blood

Fetal blood comes from the embryo.  At about 27 days the baby starts to create blood from their Hematopoetic blood cells. The blood type in the fetus is determined by the childs' genes. For example, a parent with Heterozygous type A blood mixed with another Heterozygous type B blood can have any kind of blood type. That combination can mean that there is a 25% chance of AB blood, 25% chance of A blood, 25% chance of B blood, and 25% chance of O blood. Whether or not the blood type is positive or negative is also genetic. In this case positive blood is the dominant type of blood and negative is recessive. A problem may arise with an Rh-negative mom having a Rh-positive baby. If a small amount of the baby’s blood mixes with mom's blood, their body may respond as if it were allergic to the baby and make antibodies that can cross the placenta. The mom's antibodies will  attack the baby’s blood. They break down the fetus’s red blood cells. This condition can become severe enough to cause serious illness, brain damage, or even death in the fetus or newborn. Normally, the mother's blood doesn't mix with the babies because of the placenta. However, It is common for the blood to mix in delivery though. This has little to no affect on that particular child but the antibodies will have been created by the mom. Rh antibodies are harmless until the mother's second or later pregnancies. If she is ever carrying another Rh-positive child, her Rh antibodies will recognize the Rh proteins on the surface of the baby's blood cells as foreign, and pass into the baby's bloodstream and attack those cells.

Write Away Friday: Lie Detectors

1. What tasks have you completed recently?  
Recently I have finished the book Frankenstein. Also I have finished another packet in Spanish Class.  Recently I have also started riding my bike again. I have done that really well and often. On Tuesday's though I go to my dance class. I have learned to do East Coast Swing. Every week we learn something new and I am loving it!!!!

2. What have you learned recently? 
 So last Friday I had a substitute in Spanish Class. He was an old F.B.I agent. He taught us a little bit about lie detecting. That is where the pictures come in. Automatically a person will look right when they make are making up something creatively. Conversely, when they look left they are recalling facts. Lastly, when they look down, it usually has to do with love. In every culture, people look to their heart when recalling the emotion love. I find this knowledge incredibly interesting. It is not a perfect science, however because distractions can change where you look and there can be other factors. That is why it is easier to pick up on these small hints in an interrogation room. But overall I find that it is cool that we all do this.   

3. What are you planning on doing next?
This week I plan on working really hard to finish my application for mayor's top teens. Also I have to work on my essay over Frankenstein. A few other things that I have to do include taking notes, reading my book, and other things to prepare for my classes. This week is a little short but I really cant think of anything else to add.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Write Away Friday: Happy New Years...Wait... WHAT?!?!

1. What tasks have you completed recently?  
You know how the beginning of the year is always the time to set new goals. Well this year I didn't really set any goals, and if I did, I don't remember them, so that tells you how sincere they were. Anyways this week I decided that I was going to spend more time on the things that matter.  I decided I was going to stop being on Facebook and Candy Crush as often. I decided that I was going to spend time doing things that are important. So here is what I have decided to do and what I have done so far. I decided I was going to make more time for reading the Book of Mormon. I have read it/ pondered about it for at least 20 minutes everyday this week. I also decided that I was going to think about my prayers and not just say simple repetition. I have done that a little bit and I have started to realized that I am talking to someone. He hears me. The next thing I am going to do is exercise. I didn't set up a goal for how many days but I am trying to fit it in where I can. This week I rode around my block Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I went 5-7 miles for about half an hour. The next thing I was going to do is get more sleep. I consistently go to bed around 10 or 11 and my goal is still 9:30 but I always have homework. Along with these goals concerning my health I have decided to eat healthier.  I have chosen better foods and have resisted fatty foods. Which empowers me:) But I still eat ice cream once in awhile.  I also want to be a better friend and feel better about myself and who I am. I am still working on that. The last thing I decided was to get good grades and endure to the end of this year. Frankly I am ready for high school to be over!!! Anyways I have set up a lot of goals and I will see them through. 

2. What have you learned recently? 

Recently I learned new vocabulary words for English. i also learned how babies are born along with how that effects the mother (which now terrifies me!!!). I have learn about the Cold War.  I have enhanced my knowledge of nutrition. And I have learned that sometime your best is all you can do. But there is always tomorrow. 

3. What are you planning on doing next?

Well a lot of  what I put under the first question apply to this one too, but I am planning on working on a lot of homework and studying this weekend. I need to get ready for the A.C.T. It is going to be a long weekend:(

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pregnancy, Labor & Delivery

Anatomical Changes:

  • The uterus enlarges as the baby does. As the pregnancy continues it starts to push into the abdominal cavity. The abdominal organs start to push on the diaphragm, which also causes the ribs to flare and the thorax to widen. 
  • The changes in the abdomen causes the woman's center of gravity to change and has a negative effect on the back. Often leads to the development of  Lordosis.
  • During the last few months of pregnancy the placenta produces a hormone relaxin that prepares the body for delivery. It starts to relax and widen the pubic bones and makes them more flexible. 
  • The last change is the intake of better foods as well as a slight amount more because the growing fetus needs building materials and so the mother takes them in to provide that.
Physiological Changes:
  • Gastrointestinal System: The elevated levels of progesterone and estrogen causes many woman to have morning sickness (nausea) until their body adjusts. Heartburn is another problem due to the displacement of the esophagus and overcrowding of the stomach which favors reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus. Constipation occurs too because motility of the digestive track declines.
  • Urinary System: The body has to now dispose of fetal metabolic waste so more is produced during pregnancy. Also the uterus puts pressure on the bladder which causes the urge to urinate more frequently and urgently.
  •  Respiratory System:The nasal mucosa becomes swollen and congested because of estrogen. Therefore pregnant woman are more likely and do experience nasal stuffiness and nosebleeds. The respiratory rate increases but the volume compacity of the lungs decreases making it difficult to breath.
  • Cardiovascular System: The total body water rises and blood volume increases by 25-40%. Blood pressure increases to help propel the greater quantity of blood throughout the body. However the pressure that comes from the uterus pushes on pelvic blood vessels and may result in varicose veins.

A premature baby on the left and a normal baby on the right. 

Premature Babies:

They don't know exactly why some babies are born premature but according to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research you are more at risk to have premature baby (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy) if the following thing apply to you, including :
  • Having a previous premature birth
  • Pregnancy with twins, triplets or other multiples
  • An interval of less than six months between pregnancies
  • Conceiving through in vitro fertilization
  • Problems with the uterus, cervix or placenta
  • Smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol or using illicit drugs
  • Poor nutrition
  • Some infections, particularly of the amniotic fluid and lower genital tract
  • Some chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes
  • Being underweight or overweight before pregnancy
  • Stressful life events, such as the death of a loved one or domestic violence
  • Multiple miscarriages or abortions
  • Physical injury or trauma
  • Unusual shape of the uterus
Although some of these are out of the mother's control it is important to monitor eating habits and stress. Also avoid injuries and drugs. Doing some of these things will help to decrease the risk.  In the United States about 1 out of 8 pregnancies end prematurely. 
