Friday, April 4, 2014

Write Away Friday: Happy New Years...Wait... WHAT?!?!

1. What tasks have you completed recently?  
You know how the beginning of the year is always the time to set new goals. Well this year I didn't really set any goals, and if I did, I don't remember them, so that tells you how sincere they were. Anyways this week I decided that I was going to spend more time on the things that matter.  I decided I was going to stop being on Facebook and Candy Crush as often. I decided that I was going to spend time doing things that are important. So here is what I have decided to do and what I have done so far. I decided I was going to make more time for reading the Book of Mormon. I have read it/ pondered about it for at least 20 minutes everyday this week. I also decided that I was going to think about my prayers and not just say simple repetition. I have done that a little bit and I have started to realized that I am talking to someone. He hears me. The next thing I am going to do is exercise. I didn't set up a goal for how many days but I am trying to fit it in where I can. This week I rode around my block Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I went 5-7 miles for about half an hour. The next thing I was going to do is get more sleep. I consistently go to bed around 10 or 11 and my goal is still 9:30 but I always have homework. Along with these goals concerning my health I have decided to eat healthier.  I have chosen better foods and have resisted fatty foods. Which empowers me:) But I still eat ice cream once in awhile.  I also want to be a better friend and feel better about myself and who I am. I am still working on that. The last thing I decided was to get good grades and endure to the end of this year. Frankly I am ready for high school to be over!!! Anyways I have set up a lot of goals and I will see them through. 

2. What have you learned recently? 

Recently I learned new vocabulary words for English. i also learned how babies are born along with how that effects the mother (which now terrifies me!!!). I have learn about the Cold War.  I have enhanced my knowledge of nutrition. And I have learned that sometime your best is all you can do. But there is always tomorrow. 

3. What are you planning on doing next?

Well a lot of  what I put under the first question apply to this one too, but I am planning on working on a lot of homework and studying this weekend. I need to get ready for the A.C.T. It is going to be a long weekend:(

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