Saturday, May 3, 2014

Write Away Friday: For the LAST time!!!!!!

So I have recently figured out what I want to do this summer, Senior year, after senior year, and in college. I am pretty excited now that I have a reason to take the ACT, SAT and go to school everyday. Bahahaha. I mean I had a reason before but without a plan it seemed meaningless.  So far my plan is: 

  • In the summer I will go to Girls Camp with my church. I will be a YCL (youth camp leader) and I will be in-charge of  team building activities, and doing beads. Also it is themed MISSION POSSIBLE!!! as a youth we have camp names and my name is Agent Foxy Mama (pssst. it is still a secret so don't go spreading rumors!!!!) But anyways I will be singing what does the fox say and it will be great!!!! Then I will work on quilts for the Linus Project and I need to finished the quilt I started for my brother years ago. Awhile after that I will have the opportunity, hopefully, to attend a Latin Dance class everyday. I am so so so looking forward to that. I don't know about this next plan but I will also be attending R.Y.L.A if they accept me. In it I will learn a bit about leadership! I hear it is kinda like the camp in the parent trap. My next activity will be a youth trek again in my church. In my church I am a member of the youth council, which means I am going to help plan it too!! Well that is pretty much the plan for summer.
  • Next year in school I am mostly excited that I will be doing Excel. I want to be out of school so badly. I am kinda done with High school but give me a summer and that might change. 
  • After high school I plan on  getting a job so that I can pay for a Mormon mission. 
  • Then comes College and my future. I want to attend BYU. At BYU I hope to major in Physical Therapy and minor in Ballroom dance. I want to be on the BYU dance sport team. I may maintain a job after college but i may not. The most important thing to me is that I am smart enough and capable enough to be a mom. That is what I ultimately want to do. I hope that I can prepare well enough. Something that change me when thinking about what I want to do is something my sister said. She told me that a lot of time woman who plan on being moms say that they need to go to school in case something happens with their husbands. But this should not be the intent. College should be something that you want to do to be smart and be able to be a good mother and caretaker. I thought that was great advice.
Ultimately I  don't know what will happen but this sounds like a good plan to me. Also to talk a little about what I have done recently and learned recently. I took the S.A.T this morning. I think  I did well but I am not so sure. What I am most excited about sharing is the Frankenstein essay we are doing in Mrs. Hansens. I feel like I have done this whole essay really well. I am excited about learning how to write. I have always wanted to be eloquent in speech and for once I think it might happen!!! Hahaha probably not but I am so happy to be learning a lot. The more I learn, the more I feel prepared for the future. Oh and the last thing I wanted to talk about before I close is the thing about the cardiovascular system that shocked me. I had no idea that the sound of your heart comes from the valves closing. There are so many things we know about that we never understand or care to ask. It is just crazy!!!