Sunday, October 27, 2013

System Update

The first portion of this Blog will focus primarily on Form and Function of the Skin. In this section though it is easier to look at the function of the skin and then how the form accounts for that.

Free online test Structure of the skin
1.  Protects deeper tissues from Mechanical Damage, Chemical Damage, Bacterial Damage, Thermal Damage, Ultra Violet(UV) radiation and Desiccation.

  • The skin is made of the Epidermis and the Dermis. The form that allows for Protection is the Epidermis. The Keratinized Cells create a hydrophobic Barrier which keeps water inside of you so you don't dry out or (Desiccate), and a physical barrier against Bacteria.
  • The Keratinized Cells die off and are on the outermost part of the skin, because of this the body is able to go about the day without being injured with every little bump that comes because the dead cells just fall off and don't have pain receptors. Also this is helpful for any sort of damage because if the injury is not too deep the cells will just continue to replace themselves like always. In this way it helps protect against Mechanical Damage, Chemical Damage, and Thermal Damage. 
  • The Last protection comes from the Melanocytes in the Epidermis that helps protect against UV by reflecting it, instead of letting it in. Melanin responsible for doing this.
2. Aids in Heat regulation.

  • When your body is too cold then it needs to let less heat escape. The way it does this is by vasoconstriction and the Arrector Pilli Muscle contracts, which causes the hair to stand up and the muscle to produce heat. Vasoconstriction is when the capillaries move the blood deeper in the skin so that less heat escapes. These both are actions in the skin that aid in heat regulation.
  • Also when your body is too hot then it need to let the heat escape so that it can cool. It does this through sweating and Vasodilation. Sweat glands release sweat to the skin. The sweat evaporates and takes some of the heat of the surface away with it. If Vasoconstriction takes the capillaries down to keep heat, then Vasodilation brings it to the surface to let heat escape. This is also why when people are hot they tend to turn a reddish color.
These are just a few of the functions of the skin it also synthesizes Vitamin D and uses the glands to Excrete.. What is very important is how Physiology has a role in homeostasis. The Physiology shows how the skin creates a barrier that protects and how it is able to maintain a normal temperature. This is all important because it is what keeps the skin doing its job so that your body won't get sick, dry out, or get too hot etc.. If the skin was unable to perform its functions because the form or the how wasn't there, then the body would die, or be subject to disease more often. The Body would be unable to maintain a constant temperature and would die from hypothermia or heat stroke. It also couldn't keep water in as easily and the body would dry out. It also wouldn't be able to produce Melanin and would be more likely to get Cancer. Also you would be more susceptible to disease because there wouldn't be a good barrier.  Homeostasis is maintained because the body works in a way that allows functions to be executed in a very efficient manner.

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