Friday, January 24, 2014

Write Away Friday: Hi

1. What tasks have you completed recently?
This week I went to El Paso to pick up my sister Hannah. I also worked on a summary project about Great Expectations in English III. I went through and memorized most of my lines for Beauty and the Beast. And Lastly, I took a muscle test in Anatomy and Physiology.

2. What have you learned recently?
Recently I have learned that I can't always trust the rules that authority figures give me because the smallest details can change the action that was originally promised. Some (but not all) examples include the change in P.E credit. They are still discussing this, but the school board might take away the credit I earned in Marching Band. Even though they could easily just grandfather it in, they are choosing to distress those that got their P.E. credit another way.  Also I discovered a lot about the year classes that change the rules from where they were originally, without warning. One example of this is that missing 5 days of an all year credit gives you a No Credit mark on your report card. To get the credit you have to fill out an appeal packet which would be fine, except for the fact no one was aware of this rule. Because of these changes, and many others I have not added, I know that the littlest things can make a big difference. It would be nice if forewarning was given, then maybe the individual would have the knowledge to chose their course more carefully.

3. What do you plan on doing next?
Next I plan on working a lot on vocabulary for Spanish and English. Tambien (Also) I plan on doing the Test corrections because sadly I am good at forgetting information I need. Lastly I plan on getting some rest. But like the Idiot I am I have signed myself up for many responsibilities and the last might not happen.

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