Friday, January 24, 2014

Extra Credit Blog: Remote Controlled Roach

The controlled Roach video is so amazing because it is literally learning how to control the body using another persons brain/ movement(remote control). But could this ever do thoughts as well? In a human that might be scary because people could literally become someone totally different based on the thoughts another person stuck in their head. You could make the Roach do something but can you make it like doing it? Or can this potentially change who a person is? I think that having agency is one of the best things a person can have. Could technology ever hinder a persons ability to choose? If so, I believe, that would be very unethical. A statement I heard on the video from class talks about how in the future it may be difficult to see where we end and technology begins. In an experiment there were people who actually were able to use a persons thought to control another persons movement to win a video game. I think this technology and understanding of the brain has the potential to expand our limits and capability. But will freedom be the cost, Can a person be independent and controlled by another person? Also what damage could occur from doing things we can't naturally do on our own? Like is there a reason that there are limits that our brain gives? Science and research so far can't tell us the answers yet, but this science needs to proceed with caution because there are fine lines between doing something because we can or doing something because we should.
A photo showing both sides of the demonstration.

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