Thursday, November 14, 2013

Skeletal System Blog

How does the Integumentary System and Skeletal System work together to help the body perform its function?

Some of the major bones in the human body. By the time an individual reaches adulthood, the number of bones in the body totals about 206. (Illustration by Kopp Illustration, Inc.)In the body the bones support and anchor soft organs. Which means essentially bones hold things up. For example the Sphenoid bone in the Skull is under the brain and literally supports its weight and holds things up. Similarly, the skin is support, but instead of holding things up, it holds things in. It creates a barrier from both sides. Both holding things up and holding things in is required to stand, walk, and move. Another function of the body is to allow the organs to do what they need to do. Without the skin and bones there wouldn't be a sufficient amount of protection to allow the body to do what it needs to like think, breath, and keep everything alive. The skin keeps things out like disease, UV radiation, and a ton of other harmful things and protects against major damages, while the bones make a casing for lungs, heart, brain, and other organs so that your body is able to protect itself from day to day bumps, bruises, and situations that it can find itself in. In both cases the body is able to continue to function even after most accidents (if not too serious) happen because the bones and skin help to increase the durability of the body. In the skin the process to synthesize Vitamin D begins which is then used for mineralization in the bones, especially Calcium which is where the body stores calcium until it is needed. Also the body is constantly using energy to move, and do everything that you do every day. In both skin in the Hypodermis, and bone in the Medullary Cavity there is fat. Which the body uses to store energy and and insulate the body to help regulate temperature. Also as I said before the skin is a barrier. This barrier also keeps in moisture. Bones are wet and the organs are wet and this is great because it helps keeps the body from drying out (which would cause you to die) . The Last thing is the body needs blood to live. You can NOT live without blood. Blood forms (aka Hematopoesis) within the red marrow of certain bones. This blood is then transported to every living cell in the body. And it is not exclusively used like that to keep cell alive. Within the skin the blood is used to help regulate heat so that the body doesn't over heat or get too cold. In these ways and many more the Integumentary System and Skeletal System are physiologically related.

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